The 65 Best Business & Finance Books of All Time (2024)

"Traffic Secrets" by Russell Brunson is a guide to generating consistent traffic for your website and online business. It covers fundamental marketing strategies, including sales funnels, email marketing, and competitive research. The book also explains how to drive free traffic and run paid ads on platforms like YouTube, Google, Instagram, and Facebook.
Getting Things Done is a system to help us be more organized and productive. It basically turned into a popular movement during the early 2000's. David Allen says we can feel in control of our busy work lives, simply by learning to manage our daily tasks effectively.
Elon Musk is a biography of the man who led Tesla, SpaceX and PayPal. Musk inspires many people with his futuristic plans for new technologies, and his seemingly unstoppable ability to overcome all obstacles. But his employees are often pushed to their limit, trying to reach impossible deadlines.
Think and Grow Rich is about more than money—it's about getting what we want in life. Napoleon Hill interviewed 500+ successful people (like Henry Ford and Thomas Edison), identifying a 13-step formula for achievement, which includes 1) a burning desire, 2) a definite plan, and 3) persistence past failure.
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki explains what rich people know about finance, money, and investing. The author compares advice from his real father (Poor Dad), who was well-educated but always struggled financially, with advice from his best friend's father (Rich Dad), who had little formal education but was a very successful entrepreneur.
Trump: The Art of the Deal is a memoir from Donald Trump that gives us an inside look at his earlier real estate career, building his empire that includes skyscrapers and casinos. Whether you love or hate Trump, you'll learn a lot about business, publicity and negotiation.
Thinking, Fast and Slow explains how people make decisions using two mental systems: "fast" thinking is instinctive and emotional, while "slow" thinking is deliberate and logical. Daniel Kahneman helps us understand our when our mind fall into common biases and irrational shortcuts, so we can make better decisions in the future.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is about becoming more effective at reaching our goals and leading others. Stephen Covey says his teachings are based on timeless principles like personal responsibility, empathetic listening, and treating others with fairness.
"Made to Stick" by Chip and Dan Heath teaches how to explain your ideas and thoughts so they capture attention, persuade others, and stick in people's minds. Learn why some ideas become popular and others fail using their research-based SUCCESs framework, which outlines six key principles: Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible, Emotions, and Stories.
Steve Jobs is the official biography of the co-founder of Apple and Pixar. He had an intense passion to create revolutionary products like the iPhone, iPad, iPod, iTunes, and Macintosh computers. His personality was an unusual mix of Zen hippie and brash business visionary.
Getting to Yes is the most important book on negotiation, according to many professionals. It comes from leaders of The Harvard Negotiation Project, who wanted to help people negotiate agreements with less time and friction. The four steps of the method are: people, interests, options and criteria.
Who Moved My Cheese? is a fable about dealing with life's never-ending change. Spencer Johnson describes four small characters living in a maze. One day, their cheese suddenly disappears. They can either resist the change and suffer, or learn to embrace it and move onto something better.
The Everything Store is about how Jeff Bezos grew Amazon—from a simple online bookstore into the 5th largest company in the world. He did it with a mix of great timing, customer obsession, and relentless competition.
Hooked is a guide for product designers, marketers, and entrepreneurs, showing them how to create digital products that are engaging, compelling, and habit-forming. Nir Eyal reveals how big tech companies like Google, Twitter and Facebook keep us coming back to their apps daily. His "Hooked Model" has 4 stages: trigger, action, variable reward, and investment.
The Ride of a Lifetime is an inside look at leadership, from former Disney CEO Robert Iger. You'll see how he earned so many promotions, managed people to avoid resentment, and negotiated billion-dollar deals.