The 4 Best Law Of Attraction Books of All Time (2024)

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The Power of Your Subconscious Mind explains how to change our thinking through "scientific prayer," so we can change the outer conditions of our life to enjoy more prosperity, health, and happiness. Joseph Murphy's techniques include affirmations, visualization, gratitude, faith, and surrender.
Think and Grow Rich is about more than money—it's about getting what we want in life. Napoleon Hill interviewed 500+ successful people (like Henry Ford and Thomas Edison), identifying a 13-step formula for achievement, which includes 1) a burning desire, 2) a definite plan, and 3) persistence past failure.
As a Man Thinketh says our thoughts set the course our life, not our circumstances. James Allen says thoughts are seeds for actions, so our mind is a garden where we must cultivate the right seeds. This short, inspiring book still influences many modern self-help teachers.
The Power of Now is about living in the present moment so you suffer less and have more inner peace. It's really about reconnecting to your physical senses rather than being lost in thinking. Eckhart Tolle says past and future are only mental simulations because your life always happens Now.